House Rules

House Rules

3:00 PM
12:00 PM
Special Check-in Instruction

There is no front desk at this property. If you are planning to check-in please contact the property in advance using the information on the booking confirmation email.

Number of guests

The property can accommodate a maximum of 10 guests. We request you to notify us if there are any changes in the number of guests that you provided during booking.

No Smoking Policy

This is a No Smoking property and we request guest to refrain from smoking inside the property. Guests will be responsible for paying a cleaning fee of 3000Rs if found smoking inside the property.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policy flexible to be finalize during booking


Pets are not allowed.

Cleaning Policy

Its guest’s responsibility to clean the utensils after cooking. We request guests to keep the kitchen and property clean. House Keeping will clean the property daily.


For the guest comfort we have provided expensive furniture, decors and utensils. Most of the furniture fabrics are bright in colour and are non-washable. We request guests to take extreme care not to soil the furniture. Actual replacement/repair/cleaning fee will be charged for damages.